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The elegant ethnic packaging of the 2024 edition is created by the migrant women of the NewHope Cooperative in Caserta who will get part of the income. CSJ Missioni believes in the process of empowerment and autonomy of those women who have found in Italy asylum and another homeland.
Flamigni's panettone is prepared with top-quality natural ingredients that enrich it with goodness and genuineness.

“Thanks” to Colizzi Fotografi (Rome) for offering the photography service.

EN - FR - IT

“At school to change the world”

In Tanzania, less than a third of girls who graduate from primary school also attend secondary school. Every year, more than 15,000 girls drop out of school due to pregnancy.

No education. No freedom. No future.

As CSJ ​​Missions, together with the Sisters of St. Joseph, we work in southern Tanzania to remove the obstacles that prevent village girls from accessing education.

With the 2024 Christmas Campaign, we continue to provide scholarships to the brightest young people in the Songea district to attend high school and university.

Educated girls become educated women, capable of contributing to the development of their communities and the entire country.

Your simple gesture of solidarity can open this path for them.


For Christmas, choose our panettone! Book them now.


To book our panettone contact our volunteers, or write to or call 338.8764285

Tax code 97507350581

IBAN: IT47B0321103200052491971370


The elegant ethnic packaging of the 2024 edition is created by the migrant women of the NewHope Cooperative in Caserta who will get part of the income. CSJ Missioni believes in the process of empowerment and autonomy of those women who have found in Italy asylum and another homeland.
Flamigni's panettone is prepared with top-quality natural ingredients that enrich it with goodness and genuineness.

“Thanks” to Colizzi Fotografi (Rome) for offering the photography service.